Hello Family!
This has been another great week of work for Elder Faran and I here in Molo! The people here are just so awesome and I have felt like every week I get closer and closer with them... it will be so hard to leave this place eventually. I think I have said this alot but it is so true... I could stay here for the rest of my mission and I wouldn't mind in the least. This past transfer has gone by so fast... I haven't even felt it. Yes! It is transfer week once again! I really don't have much chance to leave (which is great!) but my companion has about a 50- 50 chance of getting transfered. So I might have some news for you all next week. I was way happy with how things went this past week and with everyone who went to church. Right now I think it will be pretty easy for Elder Faran and I to have 6 people baptized in March and it could even go up to 8 with a small miracle. Needless to say we are super excited and workingt hard to make sure that this will all go through.
I have felt like I have been able to make some really good friendships while I've been here in Molo. The members are seriously just so nice and LOVE to spoil missionaries. People here love to talk to us and interact with us... it makes missionary work so nice to just have someone talk to you and ask questions about your life... it helps you not feel so alien in a foreign place. If you wanna help your missionaries just talk to them and have fun with them. Once they feel comfortable with you that is when they can really help and work miracles. I think that is one big thing I've learned from this area... just how much the members have helped me stay focused and motivated to keep going.
This last week we had another 7 people come to church! Brother Omay and his daughter Alex were there... Bro Gilbert (Boyboy) and his daughter Shayra Mae were there... Bro Benjamin was there and Little Denmark came with his Mom who is a member. His older brother and sister skipped because they attended a parade... It is ok though... they are still on track to be baptized together on March 17. We were really hoping to have ten there but a few people fell through that we felt were for sure going to attend. SO we are regrouping this week and goaling for the same ten next week. It is possible and I think the members are ready for that big of a crowd! This week again ELder and I "upped the ante" a bit. We set even higher goals for working ith the members and total lessons in a week. It will be tough but we are ready for another big challenge and it is definitely possible. We have been getting 13 leesons with a member present for the past three weeks so 15 should definitely be possible. 15 is the goal for the whole mission and is pretty tough to get. So we will be very happy to be reaching that standard. We also did well with finding new people to investigate the church. We found one new family that seems to be very promising... we were able to give their mother a blessing in the first teaching. They were actually a referral from a recent convert that said their mother would like to ask us for a blessing. So the first teaching went very well and we have an appointment for Tuesday. I am super excited to see if they have read and how prepared they have been by the Lord.
Other than that we have been trying hard not to mess with our success. We are still working hard with our three part ember families that have baptismal dates and then we are still focusing on Benjamin getting more involved with Institute... Awesome news- He got asked out to the Sady Hawkins dance they are having this weekend at institute... ya our investigator is working it! He has been progressing so well since he has been attending institute. All of the YSA's text him now and invite him to attend classes and activities. We don't even mind that he has little time for us to teach him anymore... he is doing great and will be ready for March 10th. Brother Boyboy has turned his life around out of his desire to "become Mormon" and is attending all things Elder's Quorum. He even wanted to join with us to go to some home teaching appointments (it was part of the activity) but had to get back to his work. He has impressed me SO MUCH this last week with his desire to follow Christ. He just needs to get married to his wife and he will be baptized. And then the other part member family the Panganiban's are doing great and are SO excited to be baptized. The only person who won't be baptized is the Dad who loves the church and thinks it is important for his kids to become members but doesn't want to give up his bad habits and works on Sundays. He is also warming up to us alot more (he used to be way shy) so we feel like he will follow sooner or later.
Overall I am just a hapy person right now. Life seems to be just right and nothing is too out of place. I have settled that I will just come home in October and everything is ok. I am excited to get home, and I feel like Oct is the right time for my mission to end. A bunch of my buddies are going home either this transfer or next... it is weird to get to the mindset that I don't have that much more left. Once you get a couple months in the mission it feels like it will just be your life for forever almost. But now a it of a sense of urgency is added once you can see the end. It is good though and I feel like it will help me be more focused instead of getting too trunky.
I Love you all and hope everything is just dandy over there! I miss you all so much and can't wait to see everyone in just a matter of months!
Halong kamo,
Elder Lowry
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