Wednesday, September 15, 2010

And he's off!

So, he's said goodbye to the Nursery kids.
He took a trip to the zoo with Mom, Krista and the boys.
Where Thatcher got to pet a Wallaby, among other things.
And Scott loved taking pictures with his new, sweet camera.
Took the boys to see the Columbia, SC temple.
And then around 7:30pm Tuesday night, he was set apart as a missionary!
{He and his Stake President, Pres. MacArthur}
He came home, said a few last goodbyes.
{And apologized to Grandpa for stealing his pajamas. Is he not going to get ripped for those bad boys??? Good heavens. He is such an old man trapped inside a 19 year old body.}Packed a few last minute items.
Oh dear.
Then it was up dark and early, 3:45am to be exact, and off to the airport.
More goodbyes...Lots of smiles.
Lots of snuggles.
Lots of peeling Krista off of Scott.
Lots of good laughs.
Lots of train talk.
Lots of family.
And lots of love.
Then, when the time came, we hugged our missionary for dear life...
And then we watched him walk away.
He passed through security.
We waved one last time. {Sorry about that hand there.}
And then he was gone.
We walked around outside so we could watch.
As his plane took off.
And now he's off to change lives forever. For the better.
He's already started in fact.
He changed us all this morning.


  1. SO cute. Scott will make an awesome missionary!! Dah, don't you just miss him already?!

  2. I do! I miss him a lot. But you know, there was more excitement and happiness there this morning than sadness and missing him! I am just so freaking proud of him!!

  3. Oh Krista,
    What a great thing this is going to be. I am so happy to have had an opportunity to see the pictures and yes I am shedding a few tears. We sure love you and your family!! Keep it up. We will be checking in!

  4. Man...that made me tear up just looking at all the pictures. Thanks was so nice to "be there" with your family as you said goodbye to Scott this morning. We send our love.

  5. Sniff sniff. That was awesome. Thanks for letting us be a part of that.

  6. How sweet. Thanks for sharing that with all of us who love Scott and weren't there to say goodbye. So it begins....:)

  7. This is such a great idea! I am excited to follow along on Elder Lowry's mission adventures. Love to all you Lowry's down in the south!!

  8. I teared up as you guys watched him go bye bye. He will be awesome!

  9. i just can't believe scott is old enough to be going all the way to the phillipines. aren't we all still in sunbeams??
    scotty i'm suuuuuuuuper proud of you and wish you the best. you're going to do amazing!!!

  10. Thank you for sharing this amazing and awesome journey in Scott's life. Elder Scott, our thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family. What a blessing you will be to so many people. And thank you for letting us follow you though your mission overseas.

    Joyce Cliatt (Chea's Mother)
